Camp Winaukee Senior Summer

Dear 2024 Winaukee Seniors,

There is so much that can be said about Winaukee’s Senior group of 2023. Over the course of their Winaukee career, this group had essentially two years of disruption to their summer camp life that they were not able to enjoy in full; due to the effects of the COVID-19. However this incredible group of young men they made their camp experience one to remember and we couldn’t have been more proud to watch them grow up inside our gates. They will be an age group that many will admire for years to come.

Thank you, 2023 Seniors.

Similarly, this year’s 2024 Seniors faced similar effects of COVID-19. After missing their JHC year, we made what turned out to bean amended RGS year into an unforgettable summer. I know I will remember surprising you all that year as being one of my favorite Winaukee moments.

Boys, this final summer has been on your minds for as long as I have known you, and that’s a long time. As you approach your final summer at Winaukee, which beckons you with great excitement and yet also, sadness; this is your chance to be the leaders of a place you love so much. The anticipation of winning your final NCAA and Colour War, a final barge jump, socials and Saturday nights full of shenanigans. The memeories you all create together at camp each summer can never be replicated.

I know in my heart and I believe that this group of Winaukee gentleman, who are routed so deep in Winaukee history and tradition, will enter their senior summer with the love and pride that they have always felt for our special place that is at the end of a dirt road on Lake Winnipesaukee. Our campers are extremely lucky to have this group of boys as their seniors. An age group that has impacted the lives of many staff members. An age group that have been influenced by phenomenal age groups before them. All who I am eternally grateful to know and love with my whole heart. So here’s to the seniors of years past, thank you for shaping all Winaukee campers who come after you.

And to you, the Winaukee Seniors 2024- The Best Is Yet To Come!!!!

Side by side, forever and always,


Camp Winaukee for boys provides excellent sports instruction anchored in a traditional sleep-away camp environment nestled on the shores of picturesque Lake Winnipesaukee. Over 100 years of tradition is weaved into campers’ daily lives as side-by-side they learn new skills, build confidence, become more competent develop meaningful relationships and become better athletes and teammates.

Boys are immersed in developmentally appropriate settings that adjust to their needs as they grow with us. Our distinct Mainland and Island campuses share our Winaukee values while meeting your son where he is socially and athletically.

A typical Winaukee camper loves to compete, regardless of athletic skill level, and is part of a brotherhood where the person comes before wins and losses. Our unmatched dual waterfront campuses (The Mainland and The Island) provide our boys with the opportunity to live the quintessential ‘summer on the lake’ experience unlike anywhere else. Winaukee campers’ confidence levels and social independence grow as they are nurtured in a safe community and create memories on the fields, courts and lake that he’ll carry with him for a lifetime.

Camp Winaukee is proud to be considered one of the best summer camps in America and a top employer for summer jobs and internships.