The holiday season: a magical time of lights, laughter, and joy. However, the simplicity of these elements of the holiday season are often overshawdow...
The holiday season: a magical time of lights, laughter, and joy. However, the simplicity of these elements of the holiday season are often overshawdow...
December 13
Lake Winnipesaukee, the Heart of Camp Winaukee: Embracing Summer Lake Life At Camp Winaukee, nestled on the stunning shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, the...
December 09
Holiday Gift Guide for Camp Winaukee Families The holidays are here, and with them comes the opportunity to show the special boys in your life just ho...
December 04
At Camp Winaukee, our baseball program is designed to accommodate players of all skill levels—from beginners just starting to learn the game, to advan...
November 27
Thanksgiving Gratitude and the Spirit of Community: Reflecting on Our Turkey Bowl Event As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, we’re reminded of the...
Summer camps have long been considered a critical developmental experience for children, offering a structured environment conducive to personal growt...
November 15
We believe in summer. That it should awaken childhood and demand more of us. We believe in the power of discomfort to remind us of our courage. We bel...
September 05
Spending a summer at Camp Winaukee is a time of adventure, discovery, and the creation of some of our most cherished memories. Among the activities th...
August 16
It’s a great day to have a great day at Camp Winaukee. Here on the mainland, we had an exciting Color War week to wrap up 7 weeks of thrilling summer ...
August 10
The transition from camp back to home is a big adjustment - here are some tips and tricks to help navigate your son’s re-entry.