Let us help you take the guess work out of preparing for you son’s summer experience at Winaukee. Follow the below step-by-step tips and information to ensure everything is completed correctly and on time.
Getting a general understanding of all requirements and deadlines well in advance will make the rest of this process much easier. At the bottom of this webpage is a button you can click to review the handbook electronically. You can also access it on the Forms Dashboard of your MYWINAUKEE account.
We require every camper complete a yearly physical or well-visit with a medical professional. Only yearly physicals/well-visits completed between August 1st, 2024 and June 20, 2025 will be accepted.
If your son has not seen his doctor since August, 2024 please schedule an appointment now if you have not yet done so.
You may use our blank form, provided on the forms dashboard in your MyWinaukee account; or you may upload whatever documentation is provided by your Doctor’s office.
If you son’s birthday is between May 1, 2025 & June 21, 2025, please upload or email to Ashleigh a copy of his most recent physical as soon as it is obtained. You may insert the previous year’s phsyical as a placeholder until the new documentation is completed.
You may use our provided blank form to self-document your child’s immunization history or upload a copy of the records provided by your physician. We do not require any immunizations at this time, but do require a record on file.
To be completed by a parent/guardian. Please be thorough so we have complete knowledge of your child’s health history up through the current year.
Who to contact if you have medical form questions: Ashleigh (ashleigh@winaukee.com)
Start talking about ‘THE WHY’.
Why are you making this choice from your son and what are the benefits for him? Don’t focus on what’s wrong, what he’ll be missing at home or what might be challening. For now, focus any conversations about camp around YOUR FAMILY ‘WHY’. Instilling in your son a firm understanding around the decision, regardless of how he feels at this point, will lay a foundation for success. Giving your son the autonomy to establish his ‘why’ is also a valuable exercise.
The below linked blog post about ‘The Developmental Benefits of Winaukee’, may be a good starting point to begin a conversation.
You can access the packing list through your MyWinaukee forms dashboard. We have also added a pdf version at the bottom of this webpage.
All items sent to camp; clothing as well as athletic gear, toiletries, socks, etc. should be labeld with your son’s first and last name.
To purchase the required Winaukee logo items and any additional items you may want for your son, please visit: thecampspot.com. Type ‘WINAUKEE’ into the text box within the dark green border to be taken to our unique page.
The Camp Spot offers fittings at their New Jersey location. You may also order a ‘fit kit’ online. With either option, you can see or try-on clothing before ordering. We ask that you place your final clothing order no later than May 1st. Clothing can take 5-6 weeks between purchase and arrival at your home.
INTERNATIONAL CAMPERS: Please request that The Camp Spot ship your son’s order directly to Winaukee to arrive within a week of his arrival. Ensure you order name labels or stickers to be attached to the clothing items.
Who to contact if you have clothing questions: Ashleigh (ashleigh@winaukee.com)
We ask that all camper baggage (with the exception of large sports equipment or carry-on bags) be shipped ahead of your son’s arrival. Below you will find details about all baggage shipping options.
Option 1: R&B Camp Baggage R&B Camp Baggage is a great option for families living in the NorthEast of the U.S. If you use R&B, pick-up of baggage will be seven to ten days prior to camp. Return of baggage after camp is typically within 3 days. Only duffle bags and soft trunks are permitted. In June, you will be contacted directly by R&B regarding baggage pick-up dates. R&B will provide families with pre-printed shipping lables, bag ties to secure bags for shipping, date of pick-up/return and complete instructions.
For details, rates, questions and more information on how to sign up for their service: rbcampbaggage.com 603-536-2197 info@rbcampbaggage.com
OPTION 2: SHIP CAMPS Winaukee has teamed up with Ship Camps to make baggage seamless and accessible no matter where you live! Ship Camps offers round-trip, door-to-door service with outstanding customer support and an experienced operations team that ensures on-time delivery, continuous baggage monitoring and tracking as well as detailed coordination.
Once setup is complete, Ship Camps will mail you your shipping labels, pick your bags up from your home prior to the camp session AND drop off at your desired location after camp. We strongly encourage booking with ShipCamps by or before April 15th.
For details, rates, questions, more information and how to sign up: 855.540.2267 customersupport@shipcamps.com www.shipcamps.com/camp-winaukee
OPTION 3: Baggage for campers traveling by plane Boys are not permitted to check bags on chaperoned Winaukee domestic flights. Please be sure your son has minimal carry-on luggage. If your son will be checking bags for an international flight, please consult your airline for current travel restrictions and make sure to pre-pay any bag fees. Campers traveling internationally DO NOT need to send their bags ahead of time.
OPTION 4: Car drop-off If you wish to avoid shipping costs and are within driving distance, you are welcome to drop your son’s bags off at Winaukee within 3-10 days of his arrival. Please reach out to us to arrange this so we know when to expect you.
OPTION 5: You are welcome to send the bags yourself via Fedex, UPS, USPS or other shipping service. Please reach out to us to ensure we know how/when to expect the bags and plan to have them arrive 3-10 days before your son’s arrival.
Who to contact at Winaukee if you have questions? Matt - matt@winaukee.com
Please plan for how you would like your son to travel to/from camp and indicate this on the required form.
Who to contact at Winaukee if you have questions? Poff - poff@winaukee.com
Let your son pick out some Winaukee logo items from TheCampSpot.com or ‘campy’ things off our amazon list. Allowing him appropriate choice around these items and things to look forward to, is a beneficial exercise. If he chooses some fun ‘campy rest hour games’ like cards or mad libs, talk about rest hour and when he’ll use these things and what that time of day will look like. If he chooses a soccer jersey with his name on the back, talk about what doing his favorite sport will look like at camp. Using his interest and excitment to drive further conversation will be positive.
QUICK TIP from the Pros - pack black socks instead of white. They don’t show the dirt as easily.
It is important to us that we partner with parents to ensure their son’s success. We believe this success is built on a foundation of these rules and policies which create a safe comunity, allowing our boys to be themselves and have the most fun possible.
Remember that camp is an electronics-free environment. We believe this is an exceptional gift you can give your son and appreciate your respect of and adherence to this policy.
If your camper has a DAILY medication routine - this includes any DAILY prescription medication, DAILY over the counter medication, DAILY vitamins or supplements that will be administered at camp - Winaukee requires that you send these medications to camp before your camper’s session begins. This lead time will allow our nurses time to reviemedications, contact you with questions, and prepare for your son’s arrival. Any Emergency medications can travel with your son and be handed to a nurse upon arrival at camp.
All DAILY medications must be sent in original pill bottles, or in unopened new packaging (i.e. new box of Claritin). We will not accept any pills that are opened,pre-packed or in ziplock bags.
Medications should be accompanied by the Medication Distribution Form and sent to Winaukee no later than June 13th.
This information will be used for any medical visits to the hospital in case of emergency or for prescriptions needed during the summer. Please be thorough so we have complete information and there are no delays in care should an emergency arise.
All medical attention in our camp infirmary is covered by your tuition. All additional costs incurred off-campus are the responsibilty of the camper’s parents. These include: refilling previously prescribed medication, emergency room visits, local phsyician visits, and/or outside providers of medical attention. All of the above will be billed to your medical insurance carrier. Visits to Dentists and Orthodontists are billed directly to parents.
Allergies: We have some campers with severe allergies to peanuts, sesame and/or tree nuts. Direct or indirect exposure could be life threatening. Please do not bring or send any products containing nuts to camp. Food with the disclaimer “may contain traces of nuts” or “manufactured in the same facility as peanuts or tree nuts” are not considered safe at Winaukee. This policy is in effect when campers board our transportation to camp.
Special Diets: We can accommodate most dietary restrictions. Email Ashleigh to make a plan.
Now is a great time to begin a conversation with your son around what he might be nervous about.
Is it down time? Is it meals? Is it the socializing? Is it a specific activity? Validate his feelings, make sure he has a firm grasp of what this will actually look like at camp, and make a plan for what he can do if he is struggling. It is so important for boys to know that it is ok, normal and expected to have something they are nervous and unsure about. It’s actually a very healthy part of this experience. What we don’t want is for him to stew on these concerns and make up stories in his head about what this will be like at camp. Ensuring he has an accurate understanding AND knows who to go to for help is paramount to his success. He can go to his counselors, his row leader, Squibbs, Ashleigh or Jacko on The Mainland and Chandler or Poff on The Island. Let him pick his ‘person’.
If you need support with this conversation, please reach out! This is the kind of partnership with parents that we value immensely and are here to support you.
Book Suggestion for Parents: “Homesick and Happy: How Time Away From Parents Can Help a Child Grow
Towards the end of this month and into May there will be a number of things Winaukee does to connect your son with our community which will also help with his transition. Please keep an eye out for further information on this.
This is reviewed by the Directors and leadership team responsible for your son. It enables us to know as much as possible so we can provide him with his best summer, understand any special attention he may need and take note of both his and your goals for him.
Begin or build upon conversations with your son about camp being screen-free at camp. It is important to talk with him about why this is important and why your family values an experience like this for him. Use the link below to learn more about the benefits of technology breaks for kids.
Begin scaling back screen time. In whatever ways feel attainable and reasonable for your family, we encourage you to begin cutting back on screen time and adding in time for your son to play games or practice doing things that will replace screen-time at camp. For example, talk about what he’ll do at rest hour. Maybe your son identifies he wnats to play card games, spend some time each week playing card games with your son. This is one example of many ways you can help dial back screen time and dial up your kids confidnece in himself without the devices. This will only allow him to transition smoother once he is at camp.
Have your son learn the RAH-ROH-REE chant through the link below. This is a longstanding tradition at Winaukee, we sing it at birthdays, when we finish games, and to celebrate!
If your camper has a DAILY medication routine - this includes any DAILY prescription medication, DAILY over the counter medication, DAILY vitamins or supplements that will be administered at camp - Winaukee requires that you send these medications to camp before your camper’s session begins. This lead time will allow our nurses time to review medications, contact you with questions, and prepare for your son’s arrival. Any Emergency medications can travel with your son and be handed to a nurse upon arrival at camp.
All DAILY medications must be sent in original pill bottles, or in unopened new packaging (i.e. new box of Claritin). We will not accept any pills that are opened,pre-packed or in ziplock bags.
Medications should be accompanied by the Medication Distribution Form and sent to Winaukee no later than June 13th.
Camp Winaukee
ATTN: Ashleigh (Pillbox)
432 Winaukee Rd.
Moultonborough, NH
There are two types of trips outside of camp that your son will go on this summer, for which he may want additional spending money.
Winaukee provides accommodations, snacks, meals and necessary admission fees for all trips outside of camp. Camper spending money is held in a locked safe until your son is going on a trip and might want this. Each boy is given the same amount for each trip. Leftover spending money will be returned to you at the end of the summer.
Trip Day Every Wednesday at Winaukee is ‘Trip Day’. We take the boys outside of camp to a fun local attraction. Previous trips have included water parks, beaches in Maine, indoor arcades, polar caves, movies and more!
Suggested spending amounts:
Winaukee in 2 …….. $25
Please send a check or cash to Winaukee’s summer address between June 1st & June 14th.
DO NOT send your son with any extra money (cash or credit card) unless previously arranged for travel purposes.
Camp Winaukee
ATTN: Accountant - Camper Spending
432 Winaukee Rd.
Moultonborough, NH 03254
It is important that your son recieves mail while at camp. This is especially vital in helping new campers adjust. We advise families to send the first letter several days before their son’s arrival at Winaukee. We encourage campers to write home twice per week. We urge all families to send stamped/addressed envelopes, additional stamps and cards or paper (stationery) with their sons to camp.
Note we DO NOT accept packages (including boxes, large or thick envelopes from parents, family members or online retailers). Camp accepts letter-sized envelopes only. Anything received via mail to a camper’s attention at Winaukee, that is larger than a letter-sized envelope, will be opened by our office staff. Acceptable items will be given to the camper. Prohibited items will be saved in the office and returned to you/your child at the end of his session.
Camp DOES allow birthday packages. More information about birthday packages in the Family Handbook (pg. 8).
Mailing Address:
Camp Winaukee
Son’s name (BUNK)
432 Winaukee Rd.
Moultonborough, NH
Calls home start after the first week of camp to allow campers to adjust. There are 2 phone calls in the first session of camp and 1 phone call during the second session of camp. To avoid interrupting daily activities, calls are scheduled around meals and down time. Phone calls are 10 minutes long and are limited to parents/guardians only. Families with more than one camper will schedule 10-minute phone calls with each child. Please note that phone calls are optional.
You will recieve more detailed information about sign-ups and scheduling in June.
Camper emails are printed once daily at 11:00am and picked up by his counselor with the rest of the bunk mail during rest hour. Emails received after 11:00am will be distributed with the following day’s mail. Emails can be sent through the MyWinaukee online account.
Will be posted daily for you to look through online. More information will be sent closer to camp with how to access these photos. Please note we aim to ensure each camper is pictured 3-4 times per week, not daily. We appreciate your understanding.
Subscribe to our daily podcast to hear updates on the weather, daily menu, evening programs, special event announcements and everything exciting happening at camp each day! Search ‘Winaukee Chatter’ on Spotify or Apple Podcasts,
Have your son listen to an episode of our Daily Podcast from last summer! He’ll hear our voices, what a day at camp is like and all the exciting things that can happen in a day. This will continue to help him understand what camp will be like, and to build that excitment!
Have a picky eater? Worried about the food piece of your child’s experience at camp? The below blog post is for you!
June is a wild month of families. With school ending and getting ready for camp, any number of things could arise. Please reach out to us so we can help ease any concerns or fears and help support your family as best as possible.
If you have not followed any of the transition tips from previous months, circle back and see if any of those could be implemented now to help your son
There are a few things you can do after your son returns home.
Please complete the family survey that will be emailed to you.
Please go online and write a google review, it helps the right families be able to find us!
Your son really left it all out on the field. He’ll probably be a little scraped up and VERY tired when they give you that first hug. Give him the space and time to rest and try to avoid overscheduling right away.
Some boys may default to being quiet and expressing very little feelings about the summer. If this is your son, give him the time and space he needs to process. Stories and information will likely trickle out over the coming days, weeks and sometimes even months! If your son has a lot of big feelings right when he gets home, this is totally normal as well. There is no right way for a kid to respond after the kind of experience he just had at Winaukee. He may be quiet, he may talk your ear off. He may be teary and have intense sadness about camp ending. All of this is ok, and sometimes these reactions and feelings change from minute to minute or day to day as well. If it’s a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster, know you’re not doing anything wrong. He needs you to be patient and present while he acclimates.
If your son wants to listen to the ‘hamburger cheeseburger’ song after dinner, or says it’s ‘too quiet while you eat (we listen to music during meals), calls his shower ‘shower power hour’, says things like: ‘but at camp we….’, it might be a good idea to try to integrate some of those traditions and routines from camp, at home! These are also great entry points for you to ask questions!
Your son has spent weeks off of his devices and electronics. This space and time away from technology is more important today than ever before, don’t be so ready to re-introduce those items. I can tell you personally that the boys are excited to get back on their phones and ipads. Try to set healthy boundaries and talk with your son about what it felt like at camp without these devices, and how we can try to build on that experience to benefit him throughout the year.
Avoid peppering him with questions. I know it’s hard, I know you want to hear ALL about it. And, the transition back to the real world, exhaustion, saying goodbye to his counselors and friends and adjusting back to home is a lot to process. Let the stories come out over time as their memory is triggered by events at home and school. Looking through pictures and videos from the summer is a great way to open those lines of communication and help your son talk about all of the fun he had this summer at Winaukee.
Living at camp for any period of time is a big accomplishment! Certainly there were challenges and tough days for every kid. AND, your son learned how to manage those emotions with support and has learned even more about himself and how to navigate challenges moving forward. The type of questioning where you focus only on one or two negative experiences, gives those experiences more weight and power with repeated attention. Your child managed those challenges which is a big win for his confidence and social skills. Make sure you tell him, as frequently as you can, how proud of him you are. No matter how long he was at camp, he endured rainy days, moments of failure, big losses, scrapes, bug bites and conflicts with peers. Focusing on what went wrong or centering a conversation around the negative events pushes our children to focus on and remember those as well. Gather important information but do your best to center the conversations with your son around his success and all that he accomplished this summer.
Lastly, give him a hug from us! As we work with our staff after camper departure to ‘close up camp’, the campers’ presence is greatly missed. Our staff did everything they could to care for your son this summer, and he will be someone they always remember and are missing quite a bit.